Core Courses
Core Courses
Core Courses
Core Course Information
Christian Counseling
Elementary Christian Education
Each major consist of a minimum of 120 credit hours. A minimum of 30 credit hours in each area of disciple must be completed and a minimum of 90 credit hours must be completed from the core courses listed below each course is 3 credit hours unless indicated otherwise.
Semester 1
- BI101 Old Testament Survey 6
- EG105 English Composition 3
- AP120 Apologetics 3
- CH 147 History of Civilization 3
- BI150 New Testament Survey 3
- HE152 Hermeneutics 3
- CH175 Life of Christ 3
Semester 2
- CL 210 God’s Financial Plan 3
- CL 212 Promises of God 3
- CH 215 Pneumatology 3
- CH 323 Church History I 3
- CH 257 Church History II 3
- CL 270 Principles of Faith 3
- CL 277 Principles of Prayer 3
Semester 3
- BI 303 Pneumatology II 3
- BI 316 Hebrew and the Pauline Epistles 3
- ME 319 Missions 3
- CH 367 Prophets of the Bible 3
- BI 312 Biographies of Christians 3
- ME 384 Homiletics 3
- BI 387 Divine Healing 3
- BI 388 Spiritual Warfare 3
- BI 389 Poetic Books 3
Semester 4
- BI 401 Book of Ephesians 3
- BI 423 Book of Romans 3
- ME 488 Leadership and Administration 3
- BI 492 Acts of the Apostles 3
- ME 468 Youth Ministry 3
- CH 498 Biblical Archeology 3
Semester 1
- BI101 Old Testament Survey 6
- EG105 English Composition 3
- AP120 Apologetics 3
- CH 147 History of Civilization 3
- BI150 New Testament Survey 3
- HE152 Hermeneutics 3
- CH175 Life of Christ 3
Semester 2
- CL 210 God’s Financial Plan 3
- CL 212 Promises of God 3
- CH 215 Pneumatology 3
- CH 323 Church History I 3
- CH 257 Church History II 3
- CL 270 Principles of Faith 3
- CL 277 Principles of Prayer 3
Semester 3
- BI 303 Pneumatology II 3
- BI 316 Hebrew and the Pauline Epistles 3
- ME 319 Missions 3
- CH 367 Prophets of the Bible 3
- BI 312 Biographies of Christians 3
- ME 384 Homiletics 3
- BI 387 Divine Healing 3
- BI 388 Spiritual Warfare 3
- BI 389 Poetic Books 3
Semester 4
- BI 401 Book of Ephesians 3
- BI 423 Book of Romans 3
- ME 488 Leadership and Administration 3
- BI 492 Acts of the Apostles 3
- ME 468 Youth Ministry 3
- CH 498 Biblical Archeology 3