”It is as Impossible to withhold Education from the Receptive Mind as it is Impossible to Force it upon the Unreasoning”
”It is as Impossible to withhold Education from the Receptive Mind as it is Impossible to Force it upon the Unreasoning”
Our Mission
Our vision encompasses not only the USA, but we also have a mission to provide a quality education to the third world or developing nations where a formal education is either scarce or very expensive, sometimes both.
Our goal is to make the knowledge and wisdom of modern day teachings available to people who will in turn not only become more effective leaders but will also train and teach others in the knowledge they have acquired through their studies.
Stronger and more innovative leadership skills grounded and rooted in the sound teachings will ultimately lead to an infiltration of this knowledge being spread throughout each individual’s community an end result educating more people all over the world.

Our vision encompasses not only the USA, but we also have a mission to provide a quality education to the third world or developing nations where a formal education is either scarce or very expensive, sometimes both.

Our goal is to make the knowledge and wisdom of modern day teachings available to people who will in turn not only become more effective leaders but also will also train and teach others in the knowledge they have acquired through their studies. Stronger and more innovative leadership skills grounded and rooted in sound teaching will ultimately lead to an infiltration of this knowledge being spread throughout each individual’s community an end result educating more people all over the world.