Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate Programs
School Of Christian Counseling
BA Christian Counseling Courses
(Major Course)
CC 116 Introduction to Christian Counseling I
CC 177 Introduction to Christian Counseling II
CC 188 Christian Psychology
CC 222 Youth Counseling
CC 291 Marriage Counseling
CC 318 Divine Healing
CC 384 Group Therapy
CC 362 Addiction Counseling
CC 388 Spiritual Warfare
CC 401 Counseling Children
CC 416 Pastoral Counseling
CC 431 Senior Adult Counseling
CC 479 Research Paper
School Of Ministry
BA Christian Counseling Courses
(Major Course)
CC 116 Introduction to Christian Counseling I
CC 177 Introduction to Christian Counseling II
CC 188 Christian Psychology
CC 222 Youth Counseling
CC 291 Marriage Counseling
CC 318 Divine Healing
CC 384 Group Therapy
CC 362 Addiction Counseling
CC 388 Spiritual Warfare
CC 401 Counseling Children
CC 416 Pastoral Counseling
CC 431 Senior Adult Counseling
CC 479 Research Paper
BA Ministry Courses
(Major Course)
TH 113 Theology I
TH 166 Theology II
CC 116 Introduction to Christian Counseling
ME 222 Youth Ministry
CC 222 Youth Counseling
TH 315 Bible Manners and Customs
TH 323 Theology of Worship
CC 387 Divine Healing
CC 388 Spiritual Warfare
ME 466 Pastoral Leadership
ME 479 Research Paper
*Core Courses must also be completed*
School Of Theology
BA Theology Courses
(Major Course)
TH 113 Theology I
TH 166 Theology II
TH 203 Theology III
TH 210 Protestant Biblical Interpretation
TH 287 Bible Manners and Customs
TH 291 Covenant Theology
TH 316 Eschatology
TH 371 The Theology of Worship
TH 414 United Kingdom
TH 425 Divided Kingdom
TH 479 World Religions
School Of Christian Education
BA Theology Courses
(Major Course)
TH 113 Theology I
TH 166 Theology II
TH 203 Theology III
TH 210 Protestant Biblical Interpretation
TH 287 Bible Manners and Customs
TH 291 Covenant Theology
TH 316 Eschatology
TH 371 The Theology of Worship
TH 414 United Kingdom
TH 425 Divided Kingdom
TH 479 World Religions
BA Christian Education Courses
(Major Course)
EE 107 Teaching Social Studies
EE 162 Teaching Elementary Math
EE 247 Effective Teaching Methods
EE 258 Creative Bible Teaching
EE 391 American Education
EE 396 Christian Education
EE 488 Educational Leadership
EE 490 Classroom Administration
EE 492 Thesis/Research Paper
*Core Courses also must be completed*
Course Descriptions
BA Christian Counseling
A program designed for those desire to begin to counseling for those in need. Students who are interested in offering counsel to other people will find that this program gives them the education that they need in order to enhance their preformance and further their ability to consuel succesfully.
BA Theology
This program is designed for those who want to be successfully engaged in ministry and wish to further their knowledge by engaging in theological studies. Those who receive their degree in theology will find themselves better equipped to handle real-life situations.
BA Ministry
This program is a modular program designed for those who are engaged in ministry. By implementing the new information in this course, students will be able to navigate the constantly changing world of ministry and be ready to react to those changes.
BA Christian Education
This program is a modular program designed for those who are interested in pursuing a career in education. Those that receive this degree at Rhema University will further their ability to teach others and will be more effective at communicating their lessons.